Sentinel Ldk Run-time Environment For Mac

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Getting Started with Sentinel LDK for Linux Getting Started with Sentinel ® LDK for Linux Sentinel LDK v.7.9 This document describes how to set up and get started with Sentinel LDK components required for protecting and licensing software under the Linux operating system. (Note that the Sentinel LDK Vendor Suite components must be installed on a Windows-based computer. For information on installing the Sentinel Vendor Suite, refer to the Sentinel LDK Installation Guide.) The following topics are discussed:. Support for Linux Intel and Linux ARM The table that follows summarizes the differences between support for Linux Intel and Linux ARM. Linux Intel Linux ARM Supported Protection Keys Supports all types of Sentinel LDK protection keys. Only the following protection keys can be installed on or physically connected to a Linux ARM machine: Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) keys, Sentinel SL UserMode keys. An HL key connected to a Linux ARM machine cannot serve licenses to protected applications on remote machines.

  1. Sentinel Ldk Run Time Setup

However, a protected application on a Linux ARM machine can consume a license from a protection key that supports concurrency on a Windows, Linux Intel, or Mac machine. For more information, see 'Protection Key Attributes' in the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Guide. Sentinel LDK Envelope Can be executed on Linux Intel machine to protect both Linux Intel and Linux ARM applications. Can protect applications for Linux ARM.

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(In the current release, Java applications are not supported.) However, Envelope must be executed on a Linux Intel machine. S entinel LDK Master Wizard Can be executed on a Linux Intel machine to generate customized Licensing API libraries and Vendor Codes for both Linux Intel and Linux ARM applications Can generate customized Licensing API libraries and Vendor Codes for Linux ARM applications. However, Master Wizard must be executed on a Linux Intel machine. Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment Supported. Not supported. Programming Languages Supported C, C, Java C Operating Systems Supported Refer to the Sentinel LDK Release Notes.

How to Get Started Perform these steps on a Windows machine:. (Optional) Install Sentinel EMS and Sentinel LDK Vendor Suite. These components of Sentinel LDK provide the backend and licensing infrastructure for the ordering and production processes for distributing your protected applications. To develop basic familiarity with Sentinel LDK, Gemalto recommends that you perform the exercises provided in the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Tutorial.

Perform these steps on a Linux machine: Note: Most of the steps that follow must be performed on a Linux Intel machine, regardless of whether the protected application will run on a Linux Intel platform or a Linux ARM platform. On a Linux Intel machine Do one of the following to set up your protection environment:. Copy the Linux directory from the Sentinel LDK Installation Drive to your Linux machine. OR. Download and unpack the Sentinel LDK Linux package from Gemalto to your Linux machine. The following directories are included under /Linux:. API: Contains the Sentinel Licensing (Run-time) C, C, and Java API files.

Sentinel Ldk Run-time Environment For Mac

Sentinel Ldk Run Time Setup

For C, both Linux Intel and Linux ARM libraries are provided. Docs: Contains Sentinel LDK documentation.

Redistribute: Contains the firmware update V2C and the Sentinel LDK Run-time installers. Samples: Contains the following:. C, C, and Java samples for the Licensing (Run-time) API. For GCC, both Linux Intel and Linux ARM samples are provided. Activation Demo.

VendorCodes: Contains the demoma.hvc Vendor Code. VendorTools: Contains the following tools in this directory and in the VendorSuite subdirectory:. Sentinel LDK Master wizard. Sentinel LDK Envelope. On a Linux Intel machine Install the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment (included under Linux/Redistribute/Runtime) on your Linux machine. For more information, see the Sentinel LDK Installation Guide.

Note: Always ensure that you are working with the most recent Run-Time Environment. On a Linux Intel machine Sentinel Vendor keys (Sentinel Master key or Sentinel Developer key) are provided in the Sentinel LDK Starter kit.

A separate set of Sentinel Vendor keys is provided for each Batch Code. The Batch Code is printed on each Sentinel Developer key and on all of your Sentinel HL keys.

(The Batch Code is a representation of your confidential Vendor Code.) If you have one or more Sentinel Vendor keys, use the Sentinel Master Wizard to introduce one Vendor key for each Batch Code on the Linux machine and generate the Sentinel Licensing API for Linux as follows:. Connect the Vendor key to your Linux machine. Before running Sentinel LDK Master Wizard for the first time, run to resolve any missing package dependencies. You may need to set the executable flag for masterhasp (located at /Linux/VendorTools/VendorSuite) with the following command: chmod a+x masterhasp. Run /Linux/VendorTools/VendorSuite/masterhasp. Note the following: masterhasp is a GUI application that requires root privileges.

On some installations, it may be necessary to add root to the local X server access list in order to launch masterhasp. This can typically be done using the following commands: xhost local:root sudo DISPLAY=:0./masterhasp. The Master Wizard detects the new key. Follow the remaining instructions in the wizard to introduce the key to Sentinel LDK. Your customized Sentinel Licensing APIs are located in the user home directory, under: /Documents/Gemalto/Sentinel LDK 7.9/API/Runtime/C Your Vendor Code is stored in the user home directory, under: /Documents/Gemalto/Sentinel LDK 7.9/VendorCodes The name of the file is.hvc.

For example, if your Batch Code is W3FLY, the file name will be W3FLY.hvc. Integrate the customized Licensing API library and the Vendor Code file into the source code of the application to be protected.

On a Linux Intel machine Run Sentinel LDK Envelope (located at /Linux/VendorTools/VendorSuite/linuxenv) to protect both Linux Intel and Linux ARM applications. You may need to set the executable flag for linuxenv with the following command: chmod a+x linuxenv In the event a package dependency is missing, install it using yum on RedHat-based systems such as CentOS, apt-get on Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu, or any other package manager provided by your distribution. On a Linux Intel machine To view and work with Sentinel keys that are connected to this machine, open Sentinel LDK Admin Control Center in your browser. For more information, see the description of the Sentinel LDK Admin Control Center in the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Guide. To distribute Linux Intel or Linux ARM applications to end users, be sure to refer to 'Distributing Sentinel LDK With Your Software' in the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Guide. Limitations The following limitation applies for all protected applications:. The Sentinel License Manager communicates with the protected application via TCP and UDP on port 1947.

This port is IANA-registered exclusively for this purpose. At the end user site, the firewall must be configured so that communication via this port is not blocked. The following limitations apply for applications that are protected using Sentinel LDK Envelope:.

Protected applications do not function correctly when launched using commands such as sudo or kdesu. Background checks with interactive command-line applications (for example, FTP and SSH) are not supported. Applications that implement the symbols malloc, calloc, free, realloc, registeratfork, dlopen, dlerror, dlsym or dlclose cannot be protected. However, application can use any of these standard library functions. Gemalto recommends that you not use pthreadexit in your main thread. If you do, protected applications may not be terminated properly, and you may have to kill the process explicitly.

Background checks are not supported for Open GL full-screen and interactive console applications. An interactive console application is one that continuously expects inputs at runtime in the console (for example: ftp, cscope, telnet).


Under Ubuntu 14, the attempt to resolve undefined symbols in the protected library occurs before dlopen returns with the RTLDNOW flag. For example: Python load module always uses dlopen with RTLDNOW that can be overwritten by sys.setdlopenflags(1). To resolve this, use dlopen with the RTLDLAZY (lazy binding) flag. If the Sentinel HL key is disconnected while a protected console application that included a background check is running, the application is suspended. When the key is re-connected, the application resumes, but it goes into the background. The application can be brought to the foreground by using the shell built-in 'fg' command from the same terminal where application had been launched. To bring a background application to the foreground:.

List all running jobs using command 'jobs'. Choose the relevant job ID from the list. Enter fg% jobID to bring the application to the foreground. Known Issues and Troubleshooting Refer to the Sentinel LDK Release Notes. Supporting Protected Applications Under Wine Sentinel LDK can be used to protect Windows-based applications that run under the Wine application. Sentinel LDK support for Wine has been tested as follows:.

Both 32-bit and 64-bit applications, protected with Sentinel Licensing API. Both LIB and DLL files have been tested. Both SL and HL keys have been tested. Applications that are protected with Sentinel LDK Envelope are expected to work. Applications licensed and protected with HL (Driverless configuration) keys are expected to work under Wine only if the Linux Run-time Environment is installed on the machine. Applications that are licensed with HASP4 or Hardlock keys are not expected to work.

This section describes:. How to prepare a protected application to run using Wine. How to prepare the Linux environment for working with the Run-time Environment and the Wine application. Prepare the Protected Application On a Windows machine, protect your Win32 application using your customized Licensing API. Your application is now ready for distribution to your customers. Prepare the Linux Environment The steps in this section should be performed by the end user before running the protected application using Wine. Perform the steps described below to prepare your Linux environment.

Install Wine version 3.0.3 (from ) under one of the versions of Linux that is supported by Sentinel LDK. Make sure that Wine is registered in the Windows Registry as follows:. In a terminal, enter: wine regedit.

In the Registry Editor, navigate to the key HKEYLOCALMACHINE Software. Under Software, check for the existence of the key Wine. If the Wine key exists, no action is required. Otherwise, right-click the Software key and select New Key. Rename the newly-created key to Wine. Close the Registry Editor.

Install the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment for Linux. For more information, see the Sentinel LDK Installation Guide. Note: For applications under Wine, the Run-time Environment is required even when the application is licensed using a Sentinel HL (Driverless configuration) HL key. Limitations and Known Issues Under Wine.

When executing a protected application under Wine on a 64-bit system, the protected application will not run and will indicate that a system debugger was detected, even when no system debugger is active. To enable a protected application to run under these conditions, disable User debugger detection when you protect the application in Sentinel LDK Envelope. Wine does not contain the required HID.DLL support to access the devices directly.