Gmx-users Cpp Default Location For Mac
This extension for Visual Studio Code is also available on Windows for the language service experience (code-navigation) portion today. Our current priority for enabling the debugging experience is first Linux (other distros, Ubuntu 14.04 x64 is currently works OOTB), then Mac. On another note we are also working on enabling and improving the Visual Studio acquisition experience which will help with quick installs. A few things you can learn about are talked about at the future of Visual Studio talk at //Build.
Gmx-users Cpp Default Location For Mac 2017
Does that help? @Tom, thanks for your feedback:). The way the include path works is really that for includes that we find in the working directory we automatically resolve them, however if you had additional includes say outside the working directory currently the #include for them would be squiggled.
To resolve the squiggle we provide a way for you to provide us more details on where this include path is in the ‘ccppproperties.json’ file. Once the include path is added our language service can then go and parse the additional includes path specified and populate the symbols to drive code-navigation features. Does that help Tom? This extension is not working on windows yet? Even without debugging I want the other features, but, but, but, after install the extension on VSCode 0.10.11 on Windows 7, I got this installation issue too During installation of C/C extension on VSCode 0.10.11 on WIndows 8.1 I received this output: Updating C Debugger dependencies Warning: Automated installation is not supported on OS X and Windows. Please refer to C: Users Mike.vscode extensions ms-vscode.cpptools-0.4.2 for troubleshooting information. Finished Warning: Automated installation is not supported on OS X and Windows.
Please refer to C: Users Mike.vscode extensions ms-vscode.cpptools-0.4.2 for troubleshooting information. Finished Notice it names OS X and WINDOWS, and provides the full path to a file. Reading that file provides manual installation instructions for OS X and LINUX. I understand that debugging may not WORK under Windows, but that’s not the same as requiring a manual installation for Windows. Can you arrange clearer messages from the installer if there are future versions before debugging just works? @Gary, thanks for your feedback. Let me assure you we are certainly not alienating our current Windows users and Windows remains our top priority platform.
At //Build this year we gave a talk w.r.t. The new things Visual Studio 2015 brings for C developers on Windows.
Given C is a cross-platform language and with the rise of mobile apps and such many existing Windows developer we understand are also developing for other platforms (Linux, Mac, iOS, Android etc.). The work we are doing with VSCode – C/C extension is to provide cross-platform C developers a great tool of choice for their edit-build-debug cycle with the same consistent look and feel across all platforms. In addition to this all the feature work that we have done so far except debugging works across the board for Windows, Linux and Mac.
Our current thinking for bringing up debugging first on Linux and then Mac has been because we feel Visual Studio Community already provides a pretty nice debugging experience for C. I hope this helps you understand our thinking a little, if you feel we are missing something and you can spare some time, we would love to get in touch with you.
You can reach me at:). First up qtcreator is a good product and works well across platforms.
Having said that qtcreator is an IDE and is a little bulky for quickly editing/debugging source files. The biggest advantage that VS Code will provide is it’s light-weight feel, really fast code-navigation, intellisense and perhaps even some marquee debugging features in the future. The same tag-parser which parses symbols in your source code and provides the code-navigation features on Visual Studio on Windows has now been ported over to Mac and Linux which we hope provides the fastest code-navigation experience:).
Additionally it’s common for C developers to marry their C code with other languages like Java, C#, ObjC and more. VSCode will in the future provide a great experience for all languages make it really a one-stop shop. This is our current thinking!
We would really appreciate Jesper if you can give this a try and help us understand what you feel and what really will make you drop other dev tools and help you choose VSCode as the tool of choice. Thank you for your feedback:)! Great work so far!
Really like the greying out code after e.g. Super helpful! Few questions: 1. Any plans on adding support for Find All References?
I use this a ton with another extension (based on GNU GLOBAL tagging) and it works great for large code sets. Eclipse has support for “Code Hierarchy” where you get presented with a tree view on how a function is called. Could this be included in this extension? I’m lacking documentation on the configuration options. Have I overlooked something in your blog post?
A github repo would be great to provide and manage further feedback. Is this in the pipeline? @Sebastian Thanks for trying out the C/C extension and provide us encouragement for the work so far we have done! We had currently only built up support to parse function headers, and perform no semantic analysis, given this Find all references was going to be way off (only based on a textual parsing of symbols). For our next major release we will surely be working on improving this experience by parsing function bodies, performing semantic analysis which will help bring Find All References, and intellisense band wagon of features alive.
Have faith in us till then . Code Hierarchy, this is an interesting one we will have to think about. You are right the blog has not done a good job in explaining how to configure options.
I will spend some time now fixing that portion of the blog. Yes we are working on creating a GitHub repo to manage further feedback. Hope that helps! During installation of C/C extension on VSCode 0.10.11 on WIndows 8.1 I received this output: Updating C Debugger dependencies Warning: Automated installation is not supported on OS X and Windows. Please refer to C: Users Mike.vscode extensions ms-vscode.cpptools-0.4.2 for troubleshooting information. Finished Warning: Automated installation is not supported on OS X and Windows. Please refer to C: Users Mike.vscode extensions ms-vscode.cpptools-0.4.2 for troubleshooting information.
Finished Notice it names OS X and WINDOWS, and provides the full path to a file. Reading that file provides manual installation instructions for OS X and LINUX. I understand that debugging may not WORK under Windows, but that’s not the same as requiring a manual installation for Windows. Can you arrange clearer messages from the installer if there are future versions before debugging just works? A little sad to see it still relies on GDB for debugging, which has been the major bottleneck for my team. Our builds have a lot of symbols, and GDB seems effectively unable to handle the amount, where VS has no problem. Additionally, GDB MI commands can get very, very slow (30+ seconds) when they are several symbols deep (at least in all the remote tools we have tried).
Similar symbol problems occur whether using GDB or LLDB. Somehow the VS debugger team has handled this symbol problem better.
We have tried quite a few solutions for debugging our server processes, including VisualGDB, CLion, VC’s remote debugging support, and a handful of others, but all fall short because of how slow MI is when the symbol count gets large (several GB). What Linux really needs is a debugger on par with Visual Studio’s.
That said, this is definitely a step in the right direction! And it will certainly be useful to people working with smaller applications.
Thanks for your work guys, excited to see what comes next! I like VS Code, however I am having couple of issues with the C/C Extension. I am using windows 7 system. It seems to be I have to install VS 2015 to build/use symbols. It doesn’t make any sense to install two separate softwares to use this feature.
If I use includePath property then C/C extension didn’t work at all. Symbols are not working. Unable to edit C/C Configuration: Got the error “No Handler Found for the command: ‘CCpp/configurationEdit”. An extension might be missing an activation event. Finally it would be better if we have choice to include/exclude source files for building tags or symbols.