Emacs Keybinding For Mac

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  1. Emacs Keybindings Windows
  2. Emacs Keybinding For Mac Download

For the full monty of key bindings in Emacs, you can start with C-h b (or, equivalently, M-x describe-bindings). You can also check out. That's probably way more than you want or need right now, though. The ones you're probably interested in are the ^ + LETTER keys, many of which are analogous to Emacs bindings. A post on about talks about this system, and points out that the Cocoa Text System is customizable, which would allow you to add additional Emacs bindings (or whatever else you like).

Emacs Keybindings Windows


Emacs Keybinding For Mac Download

There's a link in the post that points to a keybindings file that creates a lot of those bindings.

When building the vanilla version of Emacs -with-ns, the default key bindings in ns-win.el are put into place. To disable specific bindings, just set them to nil. If a binding is set outside of Emacs (e.g., System Preferences of OSX), then Emacs would never even get the opportunity to see the keys because they would get intercepted before reaching Emacs. (define-key global-map ? S-c nil) (define-key global-map ? S-v nil) For a self-contained version of Emacs, e.g., downloaded from or manually built from source using -with-ns, the ns-win.el library is located in the package archive: /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/term/ns-win.el If anyone is interested in seeing the default key bindings, please feel free to inspect the source code of ns-win.el.